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Federico Nutarelli, Ph.D.

Exploring the Nexus of Economics, Networks, and Business Analytics.

Currently visiting MIT Sloan. Feel free to reach out!

Federico, specialized in Causal Machine Learning in International Trade and Innovation Economics 







My Works In Numbers

Machine Learning in Economics

Machine Learning in Economics

Delve into the dynamic realm where Integration of Economics and Machine Learning converge. Explore how advanced analytics shape economic landscapes.

Methods for Causal Inference

Methods for Causal Inference

Uncover the intricacies of causal relationships in industrial economics. My expertise lies in employing robust methodologies for nuanced analyses.

Pharmaceutical Industry Trends

Pharmaceutical Industry Trends

Stay ahead with insights into the future of pharmaceuticals. Navigate trends and innovations shaping the industry.

Data Visualization Services

Data Visualization Services

Experience the power of visualizing complex data. I offer top-notch services that go beyond conventional practices

Collaborative Research Endeavors

Collaborative Research Endeavors

Foster innovation through collaborative efforts. Let's embark on a journey of academic partnership to push boundaries in economic research.

providing a visual overview of global economic inequality
Federico Nutarelli, Ph.D.: Expert in Statistical Analysis

My commitment to applied economic analysis is reflected in tailored solutions. From diagnostic analysis to fostering innovation, I specialize in providing advanced econometrics and custom data solutions.

Advanced Analytics Solutions

Navigate the complexities of labor markets through data-driven insights. My analytical prowess extends to labor market analytics, offering valuable perspectives.

Labor Market Analytics

In the ever-evolving landscape of economic research, Python plays a pivotal role. Discover the synergy of economic insights and Python's capabilities.

Python for Economic Research


Generic Machine-Learning presentation



Heterogeneous Treatment Effects



Introduction to panel data



IV and Panel data Recap




Conference Proceedings (Most recent)

Assistant Professor in Economics-Federico Nutarelli, Ph.D.

Forecasting Innovative Cities with Matrix Completion

GEOINNO24, University of Manchester, 10-13 January 2024

Generalized economic complexity and forecasting competitiveness of global cities using machine learning

​Santa Fe 2023

Optimal data collection design in machine learning

Polimi 2023

The determinants of science-based green patents

DRUID 2023

Working/submitted papers

"Learning Trade Opportunities through Production Network" (with Kenan Huremović, Francesco Serti, Fernando Vega-Redondo) Version 1


​"Optimal pricing strategy for advanced therapies" (with Van Dyck Walter and Riccaboi Massimo)


​"Ramsey pricing and price of molecules: estimating own and cross elasticities of active principles" (with Buyukyazyci Duygu and Riccaboni Massimo)


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​"Assessing the Impact of COVID 19 on Trade: a Machine Learning Counterfactual Analysis"  (with Serti Francesco, Riccaboni Massimo, Ortiz Victor, Duenas Marco)


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​"A unified principal-agent theory on the price-volume agreement"


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​"Innovation diffusion: a consumer theory approach" (with Castellacci Fulvio and De Rassenfosse Gaetan)


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​"The determinants of science-based green innovation"  (with Morrison Andrea and Corrocher Nicoletta)


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As a dedicated researcher with a passion for staying current with the latest advancements in Python, I offer specialized and customized data analysis services. What sets these services apart from those typically offered by academicians is my commitment to rapid delivery and direct, personalized engagement with clients.

What Do I Offer?

  • Understanding the dynamic needs of businesses and researchers, I prioritize quick turnaround times without compromising on the quality of the analysis.

  • Each client's needs are unique, and I offer tailored data analysis that precisely fits their specific requirements.

  •  Unlike many academic professionals who might be more detached, I engage directly with my clients to ensure their needs are fully understood and met.

  •  Leveraging my extensive knowledge and up-to-date skills in Python and machine learning, I bring the latest advancements in data analysis to my client's projects.

  • My strong academic background ensures that all analyses are grounded in proven methodologies and robust scientific principles.

While my primary role is in academia, focusing on innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and the application of machine learning in economics, I have cultivated a unique niche in providing bespoke data analysis solutions. These services are characterized by:

This blend of academic rigor, customized service, direct client interaction, and a commitment to using the latest techniques in Python and data analysis makes my offerings distinct in the field of data analytics, particularly appealing to those who value precision, personalization, and the latest technological insights.

What people say about Me !

Federico Nutarelli, Ph.D Assistant Professor
Massimo Riccaboni's Insight on Federico's Statistical Analysis
Massimo Riccaboni

Professor of Economics, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

"Federico is one of the best PhD students in our Economics, Networks, and Business Analytics program. His application of Matrix Completion to assess the complexity of countries, particularly in economic contexts, is both novel and promising. I believe his findings will appeal to academics and policymakers, offering valuable insights into economic complexity."

Giorgio Gnecco

Associate Professor in Operations Research, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

"Federico has impressed me with his scientific curiosity and genuine interest in research. His approach has allowed him to be highly productive in a short period across different topics. I am convinced that he is fully qualified for the position in Applied Economics at Bocconi University."

Step into the reflections of those who have shared this intellectual journey with me, Their words paint a picture of our shared exploration of economic complexities, innovation, and industrial dynamics.

My articles, blogs and insights in several areas of my life and business.

Recent Articles

Embark on a collaborative journey in academic research. My expertise aligns with your quest for impactful collaborations and research endeavors.

In this dynamic space, I invite you to explore the fusion of economic theories, machine learning innovations, and the future landscape of analytics. Let's navigate the ever-evolving terrain of economics together.

Academic Collaborative Research Endeavors

Federico Nutarelli, Ph.D.  Expertise, including statistics in data analysis, economics, and machine learning
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